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SC Pregnancy Wellness Didactic Archives

To request a copy of an archived presentation email Rachel Grater, Program Manager:

  • Include your first and last name, email, credential(s), name of practice/organization, and country of practice
  • Title and date of presentation

Please Note: Presentations may not be duplicated, disseminated, or appropriated in any capacity. The SCTA does not give permission for the presentation to be used in any circumstance other than the sole purpose to be viewed by the individual requesting the presentation. Public display, sharing, or performance of the work is restricted.

Didactic Archives

  • Presentation Title: Induction of Labor
    Berry Campbell, MD
    Date of Presentation: 5/17/23
  • Presentation Title: Shoulder Dystocia
    Author: Eric Delllinger, MD
    Date of Presentation: 4/5/23
  • Presentation Title: Macrosomia
    Berry Campbell, MD
    Date of Presentation:
  • Presentation Title: Perinatal Mood Disorder: Anxiety
    Author: Clair Smith, MD and Liz Monter
    Date of Presentation: 11/16/22
  • Presentation Title: VTE in Pregnancy
    Author: Berry Campbell, MD
    Date of Presentation: 2/16/22